
This blog is meant to explore the idea of finding meaning within primarily ‘mindless’, and simply entertaining pieces of literature.

Starting with the Black Library’s collection of novels based on the Warhammer 40k fiction of Games Workshop’s table top war game I will attempt to at least analyze these texts with an academic mindset.

Typically the focus will be interpreting the texts as a form of modern allegory for current affairs. An exercise in creative extrapolation, and interpretation for the sake of fun, and applying theoretical ideas to the seemingly mundane.

Mainly the posts are attempts to explain what I see as an example of the above in a story, but they also serve as quick reviews,and summaries of the text and fictional universes they come from.

During holidays, or when I just feel like it, I may stray from Warhammer, science fiction, or fiction completely to cover a currently popular topic(or “trending topic” as they say these days) which I find exciting, or important.

-Ken Maxwell,

Journalist, and writer.

kenneth.maxwell@sait.ca: for comments, questions, or review requests.

Linkedin: for professional inquiries.

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